Seabird Protection Network

The Seabird Protection Network (Network) partners with boaters, kayakers, pilots, and seabird biologists to reduce disturbance to seabirds and other marine wildlife found along the California coast. California is home to an amazing and diverse population of seabirds that gather in large groups on offshore rocks, cliffs, and near-shore islands. Healthy seabird populations help support recreational businesses along the coast.
Did you know that bird watchers generated more than a $100 billion in total industry output, including 666,000 jobs? The 2011 survey produced by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates $13 billion in local, state, and federal tax revenue in the United States. And bird watchers spend annually 3.1 million person-days birding along the Central California coast and ocean?
Seabird colonies along the coast are recovering from oil spills that killed thousands of birds. Join us in bringing back the seabirds by letting them rest and sleep undisturbed. Seabirds react when people, boats or aircraft get too close. Too close of an approach can interrupt natural behaviors, such as feeding, resting or caring for chicks. Disturbance to seabirds during the breeding season can:
- Scare birds off their nests
- Dislodge eggs and chicks from nest sites
- Allow predators access to eggs and chicks
- Lead to deaths when eggs and chicks are exposed to heat or cold
- Cause chicks to drown when they are forced to leave the nest too soon
Discover ways you can be "seabird safe" while flying, boating, paddling or hiking along the
The Seabird Protection Network (Network) is a multi-organization collaborative that works to reduce human disturbance to seabirds and other marine wildlife along the California coast.
Visit, our umbrella website, to find links to all the Network Chapters.