Research Symposium

In partnership with other marine and estuarine resource protection and management institutions, GFNMS hosts research workshops and symposia. These symposia typically are focused on the oceanography, ecology, and geology of the Gulf of Farallones region and adjacent waters between Point Arena and Point Año Nuevo – including Cordell Bank, Point Reyes, Bolinas Lagoon, Tomales Bay, and central San Francisco Bay. Brief presentations focus on new, on-going and recently completed research, monitoring and habitat characterization projects and participants have the opportunity to meet with presenters and to network with colleagues, resource managers, and decision makers.
Symposium Proceedings include abstracts, summaries of recently completed projects, in-progress reports, and projects planned to begin in the near future. The abstracts were internally peer-reviewed by co-conveners. This symposium focused on new, on-going and recently completed research, monitoring and habitat characterization projects within the Central Bay, Gulf of the Farallones, Bodega Bay, adjacent estuaries, and Cordell Bank and included studies from multiple disciplines including oceanography, geology, ecology and biology.
The interval between symposia is dictated by the available funding. Each symposium is an opportunity for local managers, researchers, and educators to meet people working in other disciplines and to increase communication and collaboration between researchers, managers, policy makers, and the public.