Oceans After School (3-5)

Using the endless appeal of our local marine wildlife and habitats, the Sanctuary Education Team offers 16 hours of fun, hands-on, lively marine science programs for after-school programs on topics such as sharks, salmon, seabirds, whales, squid, and plankton. These enrichment programs are dynamic, interactive, and integrated into state standards. Our skilled and engaging marine science educators deliver the 8 two hour programs during an 8-12 week window tailored to your school's scheduling needs. The program is best-suited for grades 3rd - 5th.
Oceans After School Eight-Session Package
(1) Introduction
Discover Gulf of the National Marine Sanctuary through the new film "Sanctuary In the Sea." Experience hands-on exploration of live sea stars and other fun activities!
(2) Plankton
An exciting exploration of the weird and wonderful world of plankton through microscopes. Be dazzled by diatoms, dinoflagellates, and copepods. Discover bizarre larvae from barnacles, crabs and mussels.
(3) Crabs
Enter the exciting world of crabs through an engaging dress-up activity and learn scientific observation with live crabs!
(4) Squid
Delve into the watery world of cephalopods! Watch squid and octopus films, learn about squid adaptations through our naturalist-led dissection, and make your own humboldt squid print!
(5) Seabirds
Learn about the amazing life cycles and adaptations of the seabirds in the sanctuary through fun games, mounted specimens and bones, and life-size flying seabird models.
(6) Marine Mammals
Learn about the fascinating marine mammals found in the sanctuary. Students will construct the skeleton of a whale, dress up as a seal, and experience hands-on exploration of whale teeth, baleen, krill, and seal pelts.
(7) Salmon
An in depth exploration of salmon through film, dissection, a life cycle game and print making, participants learn what it means to be a salmon and how salmon and human communities coexist.
(8) Sharks
Discover the world of sanctuary sharks! Students will construct a life-size model of a white shark showing external and internal anatomy. Watch a captivating white shark film by white shark researchers at the Farallones.
Oceans After School Four-Visit Extension
Due to the high demand of this popular program, we have added a four visit extension to our original eight visit program. Those interested can pick four of any of the following extra topics: Sea Turtles, Seaweed, Sea Otters, Elephant Seals, Watersheds and Echinoderms (sea stars, urchins, and sand dollars.)
Schedule Your Program
For more information or to schedule your Oceans After School program, contact Justin Holl at (415) 530-5351 or justin.holl@noaa.gov.