South End Project

The communities surrounding the South End of Bolinas Lagoon face frequent flooding that is likely to worsen with future sea level rise and increased storm intensity. If the marsh and wetland habitat bordering the shoreline of Calle del Arroyo Road and the eastern span of Dipsea Road is not restored, rising sea levels and storm flooding will undermine access and narrow space for plant and wildlife species to move upslope in response to changing water levels. The South End Project will help Stinson Beach and Bolinas Lagoon adapt to these current and future environmental changes. Using nature-based living shoreline techniques (native plants, woody debris, sediment) along the shoreline of Dipsea Road and Calle del Arroyo Road, the South End Project will reconnect wetland and marsh-upland zones to create transitional habitat critical for pants and wildlife. The project will also help reduce the frequency and severity of flooding and erosion in the project area as well as improve overall health and function of the Bolinas Lagoon ecosystem. For more information on project need, goals, and objectives check out a recent Sanctuary Advisory Council presentation, and visit GFA's Bolinas webpage to read a preliminary technical memo on current conditions, potential impacts, and concept designs for the project area.