North End Project

Thanks to the support of local communities, and collaboration between the sanctuary, Marin County Open Space District, Point Reyes National Seashore, and Golden Gate National Recreation Area, restoration of the north end of Bolinas Lagoon is underway! This multi-benefit project will strengthen habitat connectivity, enhance wetland resiliency, improve habitat for special-status species, and adapt the existing road network to accommodate future climate change impacts.
In January 2015, Marin County began existing conditions and site assessment work on the Bolinas Wye Wetlands Project, the first phase of a larger vision for Bolinas Lagoon's North End. The project's objectives are to alleviate chronic flooding and road safety hazards, improve the function of Lewis and Wilkins creeks that drain into the Lagoon, enhance riparian and wetland habitats, and allow for future expansion of Bolinas Lagoon as sea level rises. Visit Marin County's North End webpage to read the project's Site Conditions Report (51.1 MB PDF) and view project alternatives in the Conceptual Design Plan (6.9 MB PDF).