Sanctuary Advisory Council Recruitment

2016 Advisory Council Members

The Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary seeks applicants for the Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC). The council ensures public participation in sanctuary management and provides advice to the sanctuary superintendent. The SAC holds quarterly meetings within the regions of San Francisco, San Mateo, Marin, and Bodega Bay.

Candidates are selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection and management of marine resources. Applicants who are chosen as members should expect to serve a three-year term.

The advisory council consists of 14 voting seats. The 10 voting non-governmental seats include Commercial Fishing; Community-at-Large Marin; Community-at-Large San Francisco/San Mateo; Community-at-Large Sonoma/Mendocino; Conservation (two seats); Education; Maritime Commercial Activities; Maritime Recreational Activities; and Research.

The four voting governmental seats represent the California Natural Resources Agency, National Park Service, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The advisory council also includes a non-voting, non-governmental Youth seat and four non-voting, governmental seats including the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Greater Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Charter

Office of National Marine Sanctuaries National Sanctuary Advisory Council Handbook

Current Vacancies (4):

Community-At-Large San Francisco/San Mateo (Alternate) - 1 vacancy

Community-at-Large Seat Description/Qualifications

  • Reside in the area affected by the sanctuary;
  • Proven ability to communicate with members in communities near the sanctuary;
  • Experience and/or knowledge regarding marine or Great Lakes management and resource protection issues in the sanctuary;
  • Experience and/or knowledge regarding public uses and activities in the sanctuary;
  • Freedom to express views and cast votes without consideration of any expectations held by an employer or other organization with which the member is affiliated; and
  • Availability of time to chair and/or participate on appropriate council working groups or subcommittees

Community-At-Large Mendocino/Sonoma (Alternate) - 1 vacancy

Community-at-Large Seat Description/Qualifications

  • Reside in the area affected by the sanctuary;
  • Proven ability to communicate with members in communities near the sanctuary;
  • Experience and/or knowledge regarding marine or Great Lakes management and resource protection issues in the sanctuary;
  • Experience and/or knowledge regarding public uses and activities in the sanctuary;
  • Freedom to express views and cast votes without consideration of any expectations held by an employer or other organization with which the member is affiliated; and
  • Availability of time to chair and/or participate on appropriate council working groups or subcommittees

Youth (Primary and Alternate) - 2 vacancies

Youth Seat Description/Qualifications

The youth seat (ages 14-17) is a non-voting seat that represents the youth segment of the community.

  • Must be a minimum of 14 years of age at time of application;
  • Attend a school (including home schools) in the area affected by the sanctuary;
  • Proven ability to communicate and network with other students within school (and/or other home schooled students) and in other schools within their community;
  • Possess an interest in sanctuary resource protection and management
  • Have experience and/or knowledge regarding public uses and activities in the sanctuary;
  • Be able to travel to and attend council meetings and retreats (youth or parent provides transportation);
  • Provide written recommendation from one or more teachers; and
  • Serve a maximum of two years, until they reach their 18th birthday, or graduate from high school, whichever comes first.

How to Apply

Deadline to apply is Friday, August 9, 2024 at 11:59PM PST.

Please submit your completed application form, and any attached statements or documents, to by the given deadline.