White Shark Stewardship Project

The primary objective of Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary is resource protection. The goal of the White Shark Stewardship Project is to protect (PDF, 467KB) and conserve the White Shark population that utilizes the sanctuary.
In March 2009, regulations went into effect prohibiting White Shark attraction and approach in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Additionally, the existing White Shark attraction prohibition in state waters of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary was expanded to the entire Monterey Bay Sanctuary.
The regulations for Greater Farallones Sanctuary prohibit, "attracting a White Shark in the Sanctuary; or approaching within 50 meters of any White Shark within the line approximating 2 nautical miles around the Farallon Islands" 15 C.F.R. Section 922.82(a)(13). The regulations and supporting rationale are published in the Federal Register (73 FR 70488).
The White Shark Stewardship Project is the umbrella for all White Shark programs of the Sanctuary, and includes the following project components:
- Public and boater outreach
- Naturalist training
- School education programs
- Permitting
- Monitoring
- Coordinating with the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement