SS Dorothy Wintermote unloading a cargo of lumber at the port of San Francisco, California on April 21, 1932.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, John Proctor Collection, A01.37,745n_SAFR 21374

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California with the ship’s name and home port on the stern.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.1n_SAFR 21345

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California, and the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Shoshone.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.2n_SAFR 21345

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.3n_SAFR 21345

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.4n_SAFR 21345

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California with the bow and forward cargo hold No. 1 submerged. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Shoshone’s lifeboats are surrounding the stranded vessel to render aid.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.5n_SAFR 21345

SS Dorothy Wintermote stranded at Fish Rock, California with tugboat Sea Giant off its stern.
Credit: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park, Captain O.J. Olsen Photographs, P07-002.7n_SAFR 21345

Multibeam sonar image processed by Gary Fabian of the shipwreck Dorothy Wintermote. The survey was conducted in 2007 off the F/V Pacific Star by Fugro Pelagos for the Seafloor Mapping Lab at California Monterey Bay. The sonar data was later processed for NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey.
Credit: Fugro Pelagos & NOAA

The survey of the shipwreck Dorothy Wintermote will be streamed live from the E/V Nautilus to the public through the website .
Photo: Robert V. Schwemmer NOAA

Modern painting of the SS Dorothy Wintermote underway with a deckload of lumber during its career in the Pacific coast lumber trade.
Credit: Artist Steve MayoDownload

The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Hercules will be deployed from the E/V Nautilus to survey the shipwreck Dorothy Wintermote in Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary.
Photo: Robert V. Schwemmer NOAA

“A Veteran Of The Pacific Coast Service Strikes Rocks And Goes To The Bottom.”
Credit: Oakland Tribune September 21, 1938

SS Dorothy Wintermote grounded off Fish Rock, Mendocino County in 1938, before being towed offshore where it foundered in deep water. Jessie O. Ely, U.S. Coast Guard, captured these dramatic photographs with the Red Stack tugboat Sea Giant standing by as the freighter is breaking free of the rocks.
Credit: Oakland Tribune September 21, 1938

SS Dorothy Wintermote Fact Sheet

SS Dorothy Wintermote’s crew and their mascot cat were saved.
Credit: Oakland Tribune September 21, 1938