Highway 1 Improvement Project

Highway 1 project locations

In 2010 Caltrans began implementing the first restoration effort stemming from recommendations within the Locally Preferred Plan. The three part Highway 1 road repair project, located between post miles 15 and 17, provided several benefits to Bolinas Lagoon that remain today. Replacement of 14 corroded and failed culverts reduce roadway flooding during storms and catch sand and silt before entering the Lagoon. Installation of 4,900ft of rock slope protection between Highway 1 and the Lagoon, guard against erosion along the roadway's edge. Nonnative vegetation along this stretch was also removed to reduce and control the spread of invasive plants. Finally, the pavement of Highway 1 and dirt pullouts with gravel based porous pavement captures runoff, reducing or eliminating vehicle byproducts such as oil, gasoline, grease and toxins from entering into the Lagoon.

The project was finished in 2012 and continues to provide important, ecological, road maintenance, and driver safety benefits for Bolinas Lagoon and the surrounding communities. Listen to coverage of the milestone ceremony celebrating the completion of the project, and learn more about how this effort kicked off restoration at Bolinas Lagoon!