Green Operations

graph represents the trend of per capita greenhouse gas emissions by year at the sanctuary campus from 2008-2019
This graph represents the trend of per capita greenhouse gas emissions by year at the sanctuary campus.

As part of the sanctuary's mission to reduce its carbon footprint, in 2008 the sanctuary developed a Green Operations Plan* (PDF, 550KB), and began conducting an annual emissions inventory. Emissions are measured for energy, transportation, waste and water use at the sanctuary campus on Crissy Field. Inventory results are presented to the Advisory Council each year.

2019 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 377 Kb)

2018 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 332 Kb)

2017 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 116 Kb)

2016 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 1.8MB)

2015 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 140KB)

2014 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 140KB)

2013 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 140KB)

2012 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 396KB)

2011 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 94KB)

2010 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 220KB)

2009 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 330KB)

2008 Emissions Inventory (PDF, 250KB)

Emission reduction targets were included in the Green Operations Plan for the year 2015 and 2020. The sanctuary met its reduction targets for transportation and energy emissions in 2015, but failed to meet its targets for waste and water emissions. Further reductions are targeted for 2020. The sanctuary is prioritizing future actions and facility investments based on 2020 emission targets. See this presentation to learn more about the emission tracking process.

You can also read about the Green Building Features (PDF) in the Ocean Climate Center.

* The Green Operations Plan was developed by the Sanctuary Advisory Council's Green Operations Working Group, as part of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Blue Seas Green Communities Initiative. Participants included representatives from the San Francisco Department of Environment, Golden Gate National Recreation Area (landlord), Presidio Trust (utilities provider), a green architectural firm (LEED expert), and several members from the Advisory Council. Presented to the full Advisory Council in August 2009, the Council accepted the recommended strategies and forwarded them onto the sanctuary superintendent for adoption and promulgation to other sanctuary sites within the National Marine Sanctuary System.